2 years ago

Long beach days, afternoon cocktails by the pool, an afternoon barbeque – there is plenty to love about Summer. While there’s lots to enjoy during the warmer months, sun exposure, alcohol intake and heat means it’s never been more important to take care of your body. Here’s a few tips to staying healthy over the silly season:

Keep hydrated

Water plays such an important role in our overall health and wellbeing and is an essential part of a healthy balanced diet. Between 50 and 80 percent of our body is made up of water and helps our body function – from helping with digestion, absorbing nutrients to getting rid of waste and regulating our body temperature. 

On average, men require approximately 2.5 litres of water each day and women need approximately 2 litres a day to stay hydrated. While hydration is vital all year round, it’s particularly important when it’s hot. If you’re being active during the hot weather, then you will need to increase your water intake. Another reason to stay hydrated over summer is to account for the loss of hydration from sweat. The festive season can also mean consuming more alcohol, which can also lead to dehydration, so be sure to factor that into your daily water intake too.

Slip slop slap

Regardless of whether you’re headed to the beach, a bush walk or just out and about, sunscreen should be applied whenever you’re outdoors. Summer is also a good time to invest in good quality sunscreen and an SPF50+ is ideal.  The Cancer Council recommends using sunscreen SPF30 or higher, mainly because we have such a high ultraviolet (UV) rating. SPF refers to the time it takes your skin to get damaged. For example, if you wear SPF50, it theoretically takes 50 times as long for damage to happen than it would without sunscreen. So slip slop slap!

Skincare regime

The warmer months can bring a lot of hot & dry air, dehydrating the skin on your face and body. It’s a good idea to get into the habit of moisturising your skin every day. Summer can also be a good opportunity to take the time and create your own soothing and hydrating face masks. Pomegranate, tomatoes and cucumbers are great options with tomatoes an excellent source of antioxidants and cucumber helping to alleviate sunburn and leave a cooling impact.

Nutrition is key

While summer is often seen as the season to indulge, it’s important to balance these indulgent foods with nutritional food. Fortunately, Summer is the best time of year to get your hands on an array of beautiful fruits like mangos, peaches and grapes. If a string of social events mean you’re finding it difficult to eat healthy, consider bringing a healthy plate of food with you to balance things out.

Ensure you’re well rested

The lead up to Christmas is a busy time for many, with work and social commitments filling up our diaries and before you know it, Christmas is over and the new year has begun. While the lead up to the holidays is busy, try to take some time to rest, relax, decompress, and time that is just for you.

Beach Street Family Practice would like to wish all our clients a very Merry Christmas. Stay safe, be kind, and we look forward to seeing you all in the new year. 

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